All Press Releases

This is an overview of all the press releases about our campaigns; the launch of new hotlines, ships campaigns, legal battles, and other events.

104 all press releases

Rada Ministrów Portugalii wydała oświadczenie nr 0010/SEAM/2004

To są kopie faksu. które odtrzymaliśmy od Instytutu Transportu Morskiego…

Kapitan statku prosi o pozwolenie na wejście do portu w Figueira

Postępując zgodnie z procedurą morską, Kobiety na Falach zwróciły się dziś z…

Women on Waves wypłynęły do Portugalii

23 sierpnia Kobiety na Falach wypłynęły do Portugalii. Wizyta ta odbywa się na…

We will sail again on monday 23 august

On invitation of local organizations the ship of Women on Waves will set sail…

Women on Waves sets sail to Poland

Polish civil rights and women's organizations have invited Women on Waves to…

Ship arrives today in Wladyslawowo

Because of stormy weather the ship of Women on Waves will arrive today, Friday

Ship cannot dock

Because of stormy weather no boat is allowed into the harbor of Wladyslawowo.

International consensus on reproductive rights

During the 'International Conference on Population and Development' in Cairo…

Press statement STER committee and Women on Waves

During the press conference Wanda Nowicka presented the STER committee that has…


Today at 14.00 the ship of Women on Waves arrived safely into the harbour of…

Prosecuter admits: no crime has been committed

The Ship of Women on Waves arrived safely in the harbour of Wladyslawowo on the…

Open letter to prime minister Miller

This morning during the press conference Wanda Nowicka presented an open letter…