Talkshow Teachings: how to induce abortion
On Tuesday morning, Rebecca Gomperts was featured on the Portuguese talkshow SIC 10 horas, in a show titled: Face to Face Abortion Boat. This Portuguese talkshow does not perhaps contain the most cutting edge reporting, but does reach thousands of Portuguese women.
On this show, which actually starts at half past ten, Rebecca Gomperts explained how one can use Cytotec, which is also known as Arthrotec, a medicine used for stomach ulcers, as a pill which will induce abortion. She also announced the publication of a written description of how to use Artotec to induce abortion, tonight on the website.
Pedro Motasoares from CDS-PP, a Portuguese Christian Right-oriented party, was also featured on the talkshow, but did his party little good while publicly stating half truths and also blatantly lying. At a certain point he even mentioned the illegal abortions that take place in the Netherlands, while in the Netherlands abortion is always legal until the fifth and a half month of pregnancy (24 weeks after the last menstruation), and is a service which is free of charge.

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