Calm After the Storm, Abortion Boat Sails Without a Hitch
The boat was able to sail out to international waters with three women. Outside the spanish territorial waters the women on board could get a safe, medical abortion by a licensed Dutch gynecologist. The ship sailed with Dutch gynecologist Dr. Gunilla Kleiverda, and Spanish gynecologist Dr. Josep Carbonell.
At the helm of the ship were the captains Myra and Margreet. Three boats filled with press sailed along. In the high sea, the doctors stepped over to the press boats to give some interviews, this way guaranteeing the privacy of the women.
It was a beautiful day, and we were greeted along the way by dolphins leaping alongside the boat. The threats of the anti-choice protesters to block the boat were apparently empty, not one showed up the entire day. That’s okay, we prefer the dolphins for company.
The boat arrived safely in the afternoon, and was greeted by a group of supporters from local organizations. Everybody boarded the boat to welcome them on. As an extra security measure (although happily there was no need), all of the women put on scarves and sunglasses to leave the boat in a group and anonymous.
In the evening, a demonstration in Valencia rallied public support, despite some counter-protests. About 200 people gathered outside the Estació del Nord (North Train Station), rallied by the Lesbianband percussionists. There was an air of celebration following the excitement of the previous day and the successful sailing of the boat, and Dr. Gunilla Kleiverda, leading the dancing.
Now that the campaign is underway, we are finally seeing some positive response from the local press (at least, the local press that isn’t connected to the right –wing groups). For example, the Levante article titled, “Hemos venido a apoyar el derecho de la mujer a decidir”, (“We have come to support the right of the woman to choose”, quoting Rebecca Gompert’s speech at the inauguration ceremony).

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