Image abortion pill: mifepristone zydus
If you live in a country where there is no access to safe and legal abortion please go to Women on Web is an on-line medical abortion referral service that provides help for women…

Image abortion pill: mifepristone zydus

If you live in a country where there is no access to safe and legal abortion please go to Women on Web is an on-line medical abortion referral service that provides help for women living where access is restricted. For a donation of 70 euro you will receive a medical abortion (with Mifepriston and Misoprostol which is 99% effective to induce an abortion) at your home address.

Scaricare JPG – 29.1 KB

What do abortion pills (Mifepristone, RU486, Mifeprex, Mifegyne) look like?

RU 486,( the abortion pill, Mifepristone, Mifegyne, Mifeprex, Zacafemyl) is…